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Altitude Training Kits

Altitude Training Sleeping Kit with

Queen Tent & GEN3 Altitude Generator

Disponible para alquiler

A partir de 100,- € por semana.

Rental starts on the ...
Rental ends on the ...

Duración minima : 3 semanas

Incluye :

  • GEN3 Altitude Generator

  • 3 opciones de tienda (cabeza, queen y king size tent. Opción King : +20,-€ por semana)

  • Filtro Hepa

  • Tubo de 6m

Precio : 100,- € por semana (imp. y envió no incluido)

¿Qué se incluye en el alquiler?

rose Terre


Enhanced Recovery and Reduced Fatigue

HBOT helps accelerate recovery from intense exercise by increasing oxygen levels in the body. This reduces the build-up of lactic acid (which causes muscle fatigue and soreness) and improves the rate of muscle recovery.

Athletes may benefit from reduced recovery time between workouts or competitions.

Increased Oxygen Delivery to Tissues

During HBOT, the body absorbs more oxygen, which enhances tissue oxygenation. This can help in repairing micro-tears in muscles that occur during strenuous exercise, promoting faster muscle recovery and reducing the risk of injury.

Increased oxygen levels also allow for better cell regeneration.

Reduced Inflammation

HBOT has anti-inflammatory effects, which can be crucial for athletes dealing with acute or chronic injuries.

By reducing inflammation in soft tissues, joints, and muscles, athletes can experience pain relief and enhanced mobility, allowing them to

return to training sooner.

Injury Healing and Rehabilitation

One of the most significant applications of HBOT in sports is for treatment of sports injuries, such as sprains, ligament tears, muscle strains, fractures, and concussions. The enhanced oxygen supply aids in the reduction of inflammation, swelling, and bruising, accelerating the healing process.

HBOT is particularly useful for chronic non-healing injuries or conditions like compartment syndrome or tendon injuries.

Athletes in contact sports are particularly susceptible to concussions and traumatic brain injuries (TBI).

HBOT has been studied for its ability to reduce brain swelling and improve recovery following head injuries.

Increased oxygen delivery to the brain helps repair damaged brain cells, speeding up recovery from cognitive symptoms like dizziness, headaches and memory problems.

Improved Recovery from Concussions & Brain Injuries

Oxygen-rich environments created by hyperbaric chambers can also enhance the immune system, reducing the risk of inflections or illnesses in athletes who are undergoing heavy training regimens.

Faster wound healing and a stronger response can keep athletes healthier and more consistent in their performances.

Boosted Immune Function

While HBOT itself doesn't directly boost physical performance, the faster recovery times, reduced injury risks, and improved healing capabilities help athletes train more effectively, recover faster, and ultimately perform better.

Regular use of HBOT could help athletes maintain higher levels of performance with less downtime due to injury or fatigue.

Enhanced Overall Performance

By improving oxygen delivery to muscles and tissues, HBOT will enhance an athlete's endurance and ability to perform at intensities for longer periods. This is particularly beneficial for endurance sports like running, cycling and swimming.



¿Cómo funciona?

Hypoxia results from the decrease in air pressure, which lowers the partial pressure of oxygen, reducing the transfer of oxygen through the membrane of the lungs, and therefore in the blood. Upon inhalation lowest oxygen, the brain responds by asking the body increased pulmonary ventilation, and the production of more red blood cells. It is these one that carry oxygen to the tissues, including muscles

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